Restaurant de Lindehof

Two Michelin star restaurant in Nuenen


Welcome at Restaurant de Lindehof in Nuenen, my culinary home where I welcome guests every day with dishes that tell my story. My kitchen is rooted in my Surinamese-Hindustani background and lovingly integrated with my Brabant and French education. At De Lindehof, different worlds, cultures, scents and flavors come together in a casual atmosphere where hospitality, fun and enjoyment are paramount.

I hope to welcome you soon in De Lindehof for a culinairy adventure.

Soenil Bahadoer

Patron Cuisinier


Soenil: Frankly, my first steps in the kitchen were against my will. When I was young, if I had been naughty, I had to help my mother in the kitchen as punishment. While my friends were playing outside, I sat in the kitchen long-faced as my mother deacidified tomatoes and roasted spices. I didn't realize it, but the foundation for my love for the kitchen was laid in those years. I soon started cooking and trying out recipes myself and when it came time for a school education, I didn't hesitate for a moment.

I was trained in French gastronomy, but gradually I realized that the Surinamese-Hindustani culture in which I grew up is so incredibly rich in special ingredients and dishes, it would be a shame if I didn't work with it. I went back to my childhood, rediscovered the smells and flavors of the past and incorporated them into my kitchen. The result was great. There was music in my kitchen again – uplifting music that makes you happy thanks to dishes full of flavor that open new doors to unknown destinations. With my dishes I tell you who I am, where I come from and where I want to go.


de Lindehof

De Lindehof: In 1995 werd ik chef en mede-eigenaar van De Lindehof. Ik was nog jong, maar heel ambitieus en wist dat ik op een dag mijn eigen zaak wilde. Dat werd en bleef De Lindehof, mijn thuis. In 2004 kreeg ik van Michelin mijn eerste ster. Ik was door het dolle heen, zo blij was ik. Maar door die eerste ster ging ik ook nadenken over wat ik wilde. Om je te onderscheiden, moet je anders durven zijn. Het is makkelijk en veilig in de massa op te gaan, maar als je risico’s durft te nemen en een eigen koers vaart, geeft dat zoveel meer voldoening. Na 2004 ging ik terug naar mijn roots. Ik besloot de Surinaams-Hindoestaanse keuken, waar ik dankzij mijn ouders en vooral mijn moeder mee was opgevoed, weer te verkennen. De invloed van mijn moeder is niet te onderschatten. De Surinaams-Hindoestaanse keuken heb ik van haar geleerd. Ik introduceerde stapsgewijs smaken en gerechten van vroeger in De Lindehof, speels als amuse of als onverwacht hoofdgerecht. Ik kreeg steeds meer plezier in het samenbrengen van de strakke Franse keuken en de warmbloedige Surinaams-Hindoestaanse ingrediënten. De kleuren en geuren spatten van het bord.

In 2014 I was awarded the second star by Michelin. A great recognition and appreciation for the idiosyncratic course I had taken. In 2020 I was awarded Chef of the Year by Gault & Millau, which was very honorable. In the same year we celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of De Lindehof and my book Spicy Chef was published. 2020 was a year full of challenges for everyone, but if it has taught me anything, it's this: when it gets tough, you just have to push harder to get better.

De Lindehof is exactly what I want: a cheerful meeting place for everyone who loves food and drinks.

Experience the hospitality, ambiance and kitchen and watch our videos about de
Experience the ambiance
Have a look at all our dishes and (lunch)menus, clearly on one page.
Have a look at the menu
Have a look at the philosophy behind the dishes and taste explosions.
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